Tuesday, March 29, 2011


You all know my about my Sharpie fetish, right?  

Well...there may be a new contender for my heart.  


First of all, their website is really cool

Secondly, the pens look really cool.  

And as if those two reasons weren't enough to change allegiances...

Thirdly, they have little displays out at Office Max that allows for a potential buyer to give the pens a test run.  Not only does this clever marketing ploy service let you to feel the pen in hand, it offers you insight into the stuff that runs through people's minds when they doodle and/or test drive pens.  

And bonus! Photo op! 

Apparently the people of Norman, Oklahoma that shop at Office Max are either illiterate or boring.  
My friend told me she wrote things like "radioactive isotopes" and "torrid affairs" on the pad earlier in the day when she was making her decision.  So I specifically looked for her graffiti and was disappointed to find nothing but squiggles and a few "hellos".*

How perfectly mundane.  

So I took it upon myself to write "sesquipedalian" on every notebook they had out.  I also bought some TUL permanent markers.  I can't really tell if I'm going to elevate them to Sharpie status, you see, unless I write with ALL the colors.  Plus I need them.  -> 

*Come to find out she had gone to Office Depot.  Completely different store, it is. 


tHG said...

I had a feeling that book would end up as a blog post.

Tanya said...

You forced my hand!

tHG said...

Well, I thought "sesquipedalian" was going to be the word you photographed, but "hello" works too.

Tanya said...

I have to leave something to the reader's imagination.

Unknown said...

I don't know about the permanent markers, but I can tell you this. The retractable gel pens are fantastic. I have a red one, a black one, green, and purple. They are indispensable for my scoring of baseball games. Naturally, like any writing implement I value, I have to hide them from your mother.

Tanya said...

I figured out today I bought the wrong ones. =/